

一、宗  旨:皈依三寶是學佛的基礎,也是受持一切戒的根本。藉由三寶威德加持,淨化身心並找回生命的價值,開發眾生本具的如來佛性,帶來幸福自在、解脫的生活。

二、資  格:凡正信佛教,思想純正,無不良嗜好,至誠發心皈依佛法僧三寶之在家男、女二眾。


四、典禮地點:佛光山東禪寺 (仁嘉隆)

五、報  名:即日起至4月10日截止

六、報到時間2025年4月27日(星期)早上8:00 報到
(典禮1pm開始, 4pm賦歸)

七、服 裝:受持五戒者務必穿著海青及縵衣,可自行在外請購或於報到當天請購。三皈依者衣著端莊整齊即可,請勿穿著短褲及背心。

八、聯  絡:佛光山東禪寺 (李嘉莉/ 李琪巧居士) +603-3191 1533

2025 Fo Guang Shan Malaysia Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony

1. Objective: Taking refuge in the Triple Gem is the starting point for becoming a Buddhist follower. Undertaking the Triple Gem Refuge allows us to elevate the spiritual world of our mind and transcend the confines of mundane life.

2. Eligibility: Open to individuals that possess Right Understanding, individuals with a pure mind, those without unhealthy habits as well as male and female disciples that sincerely seeking Triple Gem Refuge.

3. Date of ceremony: 27 Apr 2025 (Sunday)

4. Venue: FGS Dong Zen Temple

5. Registration: Registration begins now and ends at 10 April 2025

6. Registration time: 8am
(The ceremony begins at 1pm, ends at 4pm)

7. Attire: Individuals that wish to receive the Five Precepts will need to wear the ceremonial robe (hai qing) and arhat shoes. You can purchase it on your own outside or purchase from FGS temples.

Individuals that seek Triple Gem Refuge should dress formally and avoid wearing shorts and singlets.

8. Contact:  (03) 3191 1533   
Contact person: FGS Dong Zen Temple Administration Department
Lee Cheah Li / Lee Chee Cheow