2025 東禪之美、幸福村之美攝影比賽

2025 東禪之美、幸福村之美攝影比賽

“The Beauty of Dong Zen , Jenjarom Happy Village” Photography Contest


日期  Date  :1月25日至2月09日(Due date 09/2, 10pm截止收件,逾期不予受理)

颁奖Award Ceremony:12/2 (4pm)  

活动宗旨    :秉持净化人心的理念,透过镜头捕捉人间佛教的真善美,藉由照片的无声说法,展现生命与信仰所交织出的光与热,并为人间留下永恒的瞬间。表达佛光山东禅寺平安灯会、仁嘉隆幸福村之美,自然景观、建筑、艺术展览、活动写照等摄影作品。
Main theme: To express the beauty of Dong Zen Temple Lantern Festival and Jenjarom Happy Village through photography works of natural scenery, buildings, art exhibition, events etc.

1. 参赛办法:请线上填写报名表并附件参赛作品照片档(依评选说明办法之规格。
Participation method: Fill in the registration form online and attach the photos file.

2. 参赛照片须是亲自拍摄,不得经过电脑加工处理,违者不予受理。
All entries MUST be personal shooting and all photos touch-up techniques are not allowed. Failure of the above mentioned, the entry will be considered invalid and will not to be entertained.

3. 参赛作品一人限最多5 份,惟一人只有1 份得奖。每份作品须有题目。
Participants are allowed to submit a maximum of 5 entries. However, only ONE PRIZE is awarded. All entries must have a caption title.

4. 参赛者必须呈交RGB JPEG 或JPG 格式,彩色或黑白影像。

5. 作品档案必须保留拍摄日期的exif data。

参赛资格 Qualification : 大众 Open for Public

评分标准 :   主题内容30%。构图技巧25%。摄影技巧25%。创作理念20%

Criteria   : Topic content 30%.Composition skills by 25%.Photography skills by 25%.The creation concept of 20%